



Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:8

Cloister is observed in Dominican convents so that the brothers may be better able to devote themselves to contemplation and study.


The proper effect of the Eucharist is the transformation of man into God.

Thomas Aquinas

Rarely affirm, seldom deny, always distinguish.

Thomas Aquinas

Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105


Apostolates Projects
Account Name: DOMINICAN . Account Number: 0028889171. Kindly Donate to Support the OPstudentate. For Mass bookings and Novenas, kindly text your intentions to +2349012890679. God bless you.



Since our Order is a clerical Order. Be part of our mission by supporting our annual ordination event.

Raise: $ 4500

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Media Apostolate

We engage in preaching through the social media. Be part of our preaching mission as you support the building of our student studio.

Raise: $ 5000

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Mass Booking

The Mass is the prayer of Christ and the Church. Petitions received are prayed for during our Masses and at other sacred hours of the day.

Raise: $ 4500

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Lay Dominicans

Dominican vocations also finds expression in the lay state of life. Support the Dominican family movements.

Raise: $ 45000

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Train a Friar

It costs a lot to train a Dominican Friar from Novitiate to Priesthood. Donate to help feed / clothe a Friar today.

Raise: $ 6000

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Study Materials

Study equips us to be better preachers and to meet the demands of the world. Donate a study material today.

Raise: $ 5200

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Rosary Novena

St. Dominic is the Guardina of the Rosary. We make several novenas during the year especially the months May and October.

Raise: $ 3000

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Formation House

Our Spirituality is characterized by four pillars, namely: prayer, study, apostolate and community, which shape the Dominican.

Raise: $ 5000

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