



Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:8

Cloister is observed in Dominican convents so that the brothers may be better able to devote themselves to contemplation and study.


The proper effect of the Eucharist is the transformation of man into God.

Thomas Aquinas

Rarely affirm, seldom deny, always distinguish.

Thomas Aquinas

Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105

Truth Magazine

Truth Magazine


Every year, the Dominican Student-brothers of the Province of St. Joseph the Worker, Nigeria and Ghana, under the platform of the TRUTH BOARD interrogate social, political, religious and national i....

Get rich quick syndrome

There is absolutely nothing wrong in desiring riches, because one needs money to pursue one's dreams and fend for one's needs. However, a problem arises when one desires to get rich without hard wo....

Ordination of Brothers

On the 16th of July 2022, His Lordship Most Rev. Dr. Camillus raymond Umoh, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ikot Ekpene Ordained Nine of our brothers to the priesthood and six to the Diaconate. Read More

Merry Christmas Everyone

On behalf of all the brothers in St. Thomas Aquinas Priory. I wish all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New year ahead.  Remain blessed. 

Friar Paul Akpomie OP


1st and 2nd Convocation at DU

The Dominican Holds her First and Second Convocation.

The presidential candidate of Labour Party, His Excellency, Mr. Peter Obi has urged youths across the country to put creativity and innov....

Christmas Carol 2022

St. Thomas Aquinas Priory Ibadan, held her annual Carol of 9 lessons. It was an electrifying event of songs.  The great St. Cecilia NFCS Choir of Seat of Wisdom Catholic Church,  Universi....

Christmas Luncheon was a hit

It has become an annual ritual to hold the luncheon annually with all thr brothers in the community.  In his comment,  Friar Patrick Akunne OP traced the origin of the event to the great ....

Christmas Picnic

It is usually the climax of the Christmas celebrations for the brothers in the St. Thomas Aquinas Priory. This year's picnic was held in a cozy venue. God bless our benefactors and the brothers of ....

Happy New Year

We bless and thank the Lord for His gift of AD 2023. May we be blessed as we imitate the virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. Happy New Year, dear Brothers and Sisters!!!


Feast of the day


Greetings of peace and joy, my dear brothers and sisters. Here are the audio readings and reflection for the Christmas season, 2nd January 2023 (Memorial of Sa....


Family is everything! 

Family is all that matters! 

We should treasure family and its values. 

We should be able to defend, uphold and promote our family. 

We should sup....


This auspicious occasion began with the Holy Mass of the Holy Innocents celebrated by ....

When A Pope Dies


The death of the Bishop of Rome is marked by a series and s....


The year is still very much fresh and new, and we just have to make plans on how we would want our life to be and our plans to come to fruition. 

As we do this, however, let's keep at least ....

The Power of Tears

No matter how frustrated or embarrased your child makes you feel, never you lay a curse upon him or her. 

Do not be surprised if that curse comes to pass in the child's life, because it is a....

Go get your PVC

It is both your Civic and Christian responsibility / duty to collect your PVC and to Vote in the coming General Elections. It is not just enough to complain about bad governance.  God has given us....

The Logic of the Spiritual Life

Aside from the fact that one's memory is sharpened to deal with the principles of sound logical reasoning in a course on Logic, one is acquainted with some basic rules to avoid fallacies in reasoni....

Man's Nothingness cum 'Somethingness'

There is simply nothing to boast about in anything human before the divine majesty of God. If one were to be honest before his creator, all he sees of himself and that is about him is just his noth....

Life's Reality

Things may appear uncertain and indefinite; but there are truths that are definite and are a result of logical sequence.

One most certain truth in our Christian article is that each person wi....

At the on going Colloquium

An angel came down for a meeting of the American Philosophical Association. Greeting the assembled philosophers, the angel offered to answer a single question for them. Immediately the philosophers....

Be humble; stay humble!

O ye man and woman that taketh pride in thy achievements! 

How quick are you to forget that you are mortal and will be no more someday on this earth! 

Alas to you if you were to miss ....

You are special!

Each person matters a lot. No one is insignificant in God's sight. He treats every human being in a way (s)he would never have thought.  

But in a very special and dignifying way, He treats ....

How strong are you?

The true test of virtue is undergoing a trial by fire without getting burnt at all. Ordinarily, whatever is thrown to the fire responds to the law of nature in being consumed. But whatever is able ....

Seeking signs without seeing THE SIGN

When it is said that it is only an evil generation that seeks signs, does it mean that signs that are bad or we should not pray for them at all?

If our seeking of signs does not lead us to hi....

Installation of Lectors

Bro. Prime Nsavyimana OP

Bro. Joseph Habarurema OP

Bro. Martin Afolayan OP

Bro. Stephen Asare OP

Bro. Fabian Dania OP

Bro. Victor Eze OP

Bro. Charles Ezeh OP


Installation of acolytes

Bro. Ambrose Ejeh OP 

Bro. Walter Ezeadikwa OP 

Bro. Donald Ibeneto OP 

Bro. Edward Mensah OP 

Bro. Silas Mgboke OP 

Bro. Paul Ugonabo OP ....

All Religious Games 2023

Dominicans 3: 0 Redemtorists. The all Religious games is underway.  The Dominicans Dominate the Volleyball game.



Prayer for the Province of St. Joseph the Worker, Nigeria 🇳🇬 and Ghana 🇬🇭 

Heavenly Father, We lift up the Dominican Province of Nigeria and Ghana into Your loving care. Bl....

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